Kybella is the first FDA approved, a nonsurgical injection used to destroy fat cells in targeted areas of the body. This treatment is made with a formulation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown of fat. When injected into the treatment area, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells!
How does Kybella work?
When the targeted cells are destroyed by Kybella, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. The best part is that clinical studies have shown the effects of Kybella are permanent and have many different uses!
This treatment can target many areas that the gym can’t, such as your arms, lower abdomen, double chin, jowels, face, arms, bra fat, back inner thighs, and other hard to maintain areas. Where traditional weight loss has failed you, Kybella can provide another option to reach your goals and lose that fat the gym hasn’t. There’s a reason this is everyone’s favorite fat busting injection.
Kybella was created originally to target submental fullness, sometimes called double chin. This is a common, yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition. It can detract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance- leading to an older and heavier look. Kybella can help, and has proved useful in countless other areas! From your double chin to your knees, Kybella can treat almost any area!
Long Lasting
Up to 4 weeks of mild swelling
Target Areas
Underchin, Brafat, Jowls, Banana Rolls
Estimated Price
What should I expect during treatment?
When you come for your Kybella treatment at Juvly, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, Kybella is a gradual treatment and you will not see your results immediately. This means that usually 2-4 treatments of Kybella spaced 1 month apart will provide optimal results, so the full treatment can take anywhere from 2-4 months!
Treatment can consist of 1 or 2 vials, depending on the severity of the area and desired results. It’s best to discuss your concerns with a Master Provider to determine how many treatments you’ll need to achieve your goals.
Second, one of the side effects including there is minor swelling associated with this procedure and you will probably want to disguise it! A scarf will be your best friend while you are hiding the swelling for 2-3 weeks following your treatment. For permanent fat reduction, a bit of swelling is worth it especially since you can hide it with a scarf right now. You can learn about a
Third, this is not a weight loss procedure but instead is used for targeted fat reduction. Kybella cannot help you with a six-pack or those extra 20 pounds, but it CAN help you with fat permanent destruction in the chin, neck, jowels, face, arms, bra fat, or back!
How does Kybella work?
Kybella is an extremely easy treatment that can be done in about 30 minutes on your way home after work or on your lunch break! There is no numbing involved with Kybella because it’s not necessary! The injection is very quick, with discomfort being reported to last for only around five minutes post-treatment. Most of your time spent in the office will be explaining the treatment and preparing you for the injection, then waiting for the discomfort to subside!
After your appointment, you get your very own Juvly ice pack to take with you and can go straight to your plans.

If there’s a feature that has always seemed to bother you, but it seems impossible to get rid of we may be able to help! We’d love to talk to you and see if we can target your problem areas. Almost anything is possible to treat with Kybella, so give us a call or book online using the button below to get in with a Master Provider for a completely free consultation!

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