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Juvly Med Spa in Chanhassen, MN

Juvly is a luxurious medical spa dedicated to protecting the skin, the largest organ in the human body. The skin is a protective barrier that keeps you safe from infections, injuries, harmful ultraviolet rays, bacteria, and much more. As a result, your skin sustains considerable damage over time, leading to sun damage, sunspots, age spots, pigmentation problems, acne scars, textural irregularities, and vascular lesions. We use cutting-edge cosmetic treatments to heal your skin, reverse the signs of aging, and make your skin radiate health and wellness from within. If you’re prepared to revitalize your youthful complexion, please visit our medical spa in Chanhassen.
Become a Juvly Member
15% Off
Wrinkle Relaxers
20% Off
Laser Treatments & Skincare Products
$100 Off
Fillers, Sculptra, Kybella, CoolSculpting, Microneedling
$500-$700 Off
JLyft, Sculptra BBL
Nonsurgical Facelift
Non-surgical facelift, also known as a liquid facelift, involves administering a personalized combination of cosmetic injections into targeted areas on the face. Each cosmetic injection serves one key function, such as stimulating collagen production, reducing dynamic wrinkles, filling out fine lines, restoring facial volume, or dissolving excess fat tissues. When performed collectively, a non-surgical facelift can transform your facial appearance, making you embody your aesthetic aspirations.
Everyone is unique, and everyone has unique cosmetic goals, so all non-surgical facelifts should also be unique. Our cosmetic providers carefully examine your facial skin, discuss your goals, perform facial assessments, and select the ideal combination of cosmetic injections for you. Depending on your unique goals and concerns, your treatment may include wrinkle relaxers, dermal fillers, Sculptra, and Kybella. The results usually appear instantly and continue improving for several weeks.
Wrinkle Relaxers
Wrinkle relaxers, such as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin, correct unwanted facial wrinkles caused by the overuse of facial muscles, such as the forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet. At our med spa in Chanhassen we inject a personalized volume of each neurotoxin to smoothen your facial skin without freezing your facial expressions, ensuring natural-looking results.
Kybella is a cosmetic injection that corrects unwanted submental fullness, also known as a double chin. When injected into the targeted area under the chin, Kybella activates your body’s innate fat metabolism capabilities, leading to the expulsion of excess fat tissues. Over time, your double chin dissolves, and your jawline looks more chiseled and prominent.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers, such as Restylane and Juvéderm, add hyaluronic acid molecules underneath your facial tissues to elevate your natural beauty. We inject dermal fillers into targeted areas underneath the skin to fill out the fine lines and wrinkles, restore facial volume, and elevate your facial contours, making your skin look smooth, soft, and even-textured.
Under Eyes
As you grow older, the gradual loss of hyaluronic acid and collagen from the skin leads to the formation of deep under-eye circles and hollows. You may also develop deep tear troughs and dark circles that make you look tired and old. We offer personalized under-eye fillers that restore your skin’s depleted collagen and hyaluronic acid reserves. With a few simple injections, we fill out the deep tear troughs, making your eyes look vibrant and youthful.
Sculptra is a cosmetic injection that stimulates natural collagen production, essentially triggering your body’s innate healing and anti-aging properties. Collagen is a fibrous protein that holds your skin upright against the force of gravity, making it look firm and taut. Sculptra restores your skin’s depleting collagen reserves, essentially reversing the effects of age on your facial skin.
PRP Injections
PRP injections are the most effective means of stimulating natural facial rejuvenation. Platelet-rich plasmas are growth factor-rich components drawn from a small sample of your blood. The growth factors are the components responsible for most of your body’s innate healing properties, such as skin cell regeneration, collagen production, and blood clot formation. The specialists at our med spa in Chanhassen inject the PRP serum into targeted areas on your skin to stimulate natural cellular regeneration and reverse the signs of aging.
Actual Patient Before and After Results
before and after at med spa cleveland
before and after at med spa cleveland
Advanced Skin & Body Treatments
Genius RF Microneedling
Facials are unique skincare formulations that improve your skin’s overall texture and appearance. We apply a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid to the facial skin, fortifying its structure with essential nutrients. Our medical-grade formulations improve your overall skin tone and texture.
Sculptra Brazilian Butt Lift
Chemical peels are unique skincare formulations that exfoliate the uppermost layers of the skin, revealing smoother, softer, and more even-textured skin underneath. We perform highly personalized chemical peels that address your specific goals, such as reducing acne breakouts, correcting unwanted melasma, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Hydration Facial
Our Hydration Facial consists of a series of customized steps, including cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating your skin using a combination of high-quality skincare products and specialized massage techniques. We use a custom blend of hydrating serums, antioxidants, and vitamins to nourish your skin and promote a healthy, glowing complexion.

Our skilled estheticians will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific skincare needs. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, dullness, or uneven texture, our Hydration Facial is tailored to your individual skin type and concerns.

Skin & Body Treatments Before and After Results
Aesthetician Services
Facials are unique skincare formulations that improve your skin’s overall texture and appearance. We apply a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, peptides, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid to the facial skin, fortifying its structure with essential nutrients. Our medical-grade formulations improve your overall skin tone and texture.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are unique skincare formulations that exfoliate the uppermost layers of the skin, revealing smoother, softer, and more even-textured skin underneath. We perform highly personalized chemical peels that address your specific goals, such as reducing acne breakouts, correcting unwanted melasma, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
Our cosmetic providers discuss your goals, perform thorough skin assessments, and curate a personalized skincare plan for you. We recommend the ideal medical-grade skincare products for your specific skin type and skin conditions, ensuring reliable and consistent results. At-home skincare is an essential part of your overall aesthetic wellness.
PRP Hair Restoration
PRP hair restoration is an autologous treatment that harnesses your body’s natural healing properties to reverse the effects of hair loss. Our cosmetic providers draw a small sample of your blood, isolate and purify the platelet-rich plasmas, and inject them into the scalp to activate dormant hair follicles, making your hair look dense and luscious
Schedule an Appointment
Juvly is a luxurious medical spa dedicated to holistic aesthetic wellness. Our cosmetic providers use clinically-tested and proven methodologies to reverse the signs of aging, stimulate collagen production, and elevate your natural beauty. We only offer personalized treatments after a thorough evaluation of your facial anatomy, skin conditions, and requirements. Please schedule an appointment to initiate your skincare journey at our medical spa in Chanhassen.